Posts tagged ‘ramsey’

Economic Crisis – To Bail Out or Not

There is no doubt that the economy is in trouble. Is it possible to place the blame on one person for this. No. No way. President Bush is a veritable punching bag for anything that goes wrong. The things that people blame the presidency for currently are astounding. They are topics that have never been the presidents responsibility solely. He did not “allow” the sub-prime market to do anything. Investors, lenders, and home buyers did. There is plenty of blame to go around. Sure it is more convenient to blame Bush, but it is wrong. It serves all kinds of purposes to accuse one man of all of our problems. Bush has been blamed for everything from global warming, weather patterns, to this current mortgage situation. Really. One man. The strength and grace it must takes to bear the weight of everything. Amazing. I doubt many of us could shoulder such responsibility and yet still push forward for the better of all Americans.

I digress, this article – “Who is to blame for the sub-prime crisis?” – gives some insight into the current sub-prime crisis which in turn has spilled over to create our current financial crisis. Clearly there is plenty of blame to go around. But does it really matter at this precise moment, who caused the situation. NO. We just need to come up with a strategic plan to resolve it.

I don’t personally believe that McCain is simply pulling a media stunt. Do I think it was a little dramatic? Possibly. But I also think that Obama’s statement that presidential politics should not be brought in is ridiculous as well. Last time I checked both of these guys were still acting representatives of states. They never stepped down from their positions when they began their campaigns. So, in essence by returning to Washington and making the situation a priority they are just doing their current job. There is plenty of partisan commentary to say this group or that group is keeping the plan from going through. Each group is sure that they other is at fault. Unless you were in the room you are believing here-say and biased views. Even in a printed transcript you would lose the intonation and verbal context in which things were spoken. So I choose to believe that they are all being difficult and trying to make what they believe in best work.

Frankly as much as I dislike the idea of a $700 billion bailout, I do think it is interesting. The fact that money could possibly be made off this deal in the long run is very intriguing. The problem is the growing of government and the precedent it sets for government to step in and take over more and more over time.

Consider this interesting proposition by financial guru, Dave Ramsey – He suggests doing the following:

Call your Congressman. Call your Senator. Tell them to change the mark-to-market accounting law and to extend insurance but extend no loans. If they extend loans – if they borrow the money on the national debt in order for us to all go into the mortgage business a trillion dollars – you’re going to fire their butts and send them home.

I did email all my representatives suggesting the plan. Take action and email yours too.

It makes sense and it could be interesting. What is your take? Let’s pray they resolve it fast. (and yes i pray)

September 26, 2008 at 4:51 pm 4 comments

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