Move Over MoveOn

February 2, 2009 at 5:42 pm Leave a comment

The post I promised with a specific way to get involved. The current stimulus bill is ridiculously loaded with programs and billions of dollars that will NOT create new jobs. The promise of cutting back on these things in Washington is not happening. We need to make sure that our elected officials in Washington know how we feel about the wasteful spending of OUR money. This will affect our grandchildren in ways yet to even be fathomed.


Here is what YOU can do:


In response to’s attack on the 5 Republican senators up for re-election in 2010 (listed below), and in light of the pending bill S.1. (aka the pork laden stimulus package), here are some suggestions

1. Blitz these 5 Republican senators and assure them that as long as they remain true to the basics of conservatism (smaller government, lower taxes, self-reliance & gun ownership) they will continue to enjoy our support.

2. Rally and encourage the remaining Republican Senators to vote against S. 1. Hold them accountable to vote for the conservative principles that we elected them to up- hold.

3. Seek out and encourage right leaning Democrats and Independents in the Senate that may be prone to vote against this bloated piece of legislation.

Details:, the liberal activist group funded by George Soros, is focusing an ad campaign to turn around 5 Republican Senators. They are using radio and television ads to encourage people to contact these Senators and tell them to vote for S.1. The targeted Senators are:
(1) Collins – Maine
(2) Snow – Maine
(3) Gregg – NH *
(4) Murkowski – ALASKA
(5) Grassley – Iowa

*Gregg presents a special problem as he is being considered for a position in President Obama’s cabinet. If he took it, it would leave an open spot that would be filled by a Democratic Governor thus insuring a 60 person majority. He must additionally be encouraged to turn this position down.

Plan of Attack:
1. Phones. As we did in Operation Melt the Phones in DC, we are going to keep up a steady stream of phone calls to these Senators offices and report back on the TCOT Action Project site what the senators are saying. This time, however, we want to also call their local state offices. Each Senator has several in their state and they should be pressured as well. The numbers are listed by state at the bottom of the page as well as a sample script. We recommend calling each of the Senators offices every day. We will be issuing daily talking points for you to question the senate aid about. Be polite, but assertive.

2. Faxes. This time we will add faxes to our blitz. Many out of state people wishing to send a letter to a senator were stymied by the Senate e-mail system not allowing them. We have posted fax numbers next to phone numbers for those wishing to use that method. A sample text is listed at the bottom of the page for use in drafting e-mails and faxes. Again, we would like each person to fax each office daily emphasizing that days talking points.

3. E-mail. If you live in the senators state, we encourage you to send daily e-mails to the senators giving them reasons to vote against this piece of legislation. Links to each Senator’s webpage are on the Phone/Fax list at the bottom of the page. Use the Fax/E-mail text suggestions to know what to say.

4. Blogging and local media. We do not have George Soros’ money. We will have to be more grassroots than that. We are wanting all conservative bloggers to post this Action Project on your blog and give your opinion or perspective on the talking point of the day.

5. We are also asking TCOT members to call their local talk radio programs, send letters to the editor and notify local media of what you are doing. Our hope is that some will be picked up as human interest stories and we can rebroadcast them over the internet. We have made an outline/talking points list available to you for your reference. Please use that list as a starting point. We are working to build this media list, so please report back whomever you talk to and how they reacted.

6. We are looking for people with video experience that will write and produce short videos that can be posted on youtube that counter the ads being run by Please contact us if you are interested in this project.

7. We are looking to target moderate or blue dog Democrats in the Senate that could be swayed to our side. Please let us know if you find any Democrats on the fence about S. 1.

Above all else, be polite. Passion is encouraged, foul language is not. Be aggressive, but not abusive.

Senate Phone/Fax numbers (with links to e-mail) can be found at:

Sample phone script:
“Hello, my name is __________, and I am a member of a conservative social media group called Top Conservatives on Twitter. I’m calling today to find out how Senator _____ intends to vote on S. 1, the stimulus package. (write down and report back the response. If the answer is “Vote Yes”) I’d like to encourage him/her to vote against this piece of legislation because it is too large and will be ineffective in boosting the economy. I especially don’t like (the talking point of the day). Please let Senator ______ know that I would like for him to vote “NO” when this piece of legislation is offered.”

Sample fax/e-mail text (please copy and paste these to your e-mail):
To the Honorable Senator _________,
My name is ____________, and I am a member of a conservative social media group called Top Conservatives on Twitter. I am writing today to ask you to vote against S. 1, the pork laden stimulus bailout. This is a bill that is full of wasteful spending and will not effectively boost the economy. In its current form, the stimulus bill will be more expensive than the Iraq and Afghanistan wars combined. It is a bill that is being marketed as an immediate response to a national emergency, but many economist have agreed that it will do nothing but prolong the recession. It reflects the “Christmas wish-list” of the Democrats most powerful interest groups more than the needs of the country. I urge you to keep the country’s best interest in mind, and not the desires of liberal interest groups, in mind as you vote against this bill.

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Get up get busy! Going Going Gone

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